Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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“Poetry“” In Tibet: Glu, mGur, sNyan ngag and 'Songs Of Experience'
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The Gesar Epic of East Tibet
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Tibetan Belles-Lettres: The Influence of Daṇḍin and Kṣemendra
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The Tibetan Novel and Its Sources
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Tibetan Legal Literature: The Law Codes of the dGa' ldan pho brang
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Influence of Indic Vyākaraṇa on Tibetan Indigenous Grammar
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Firm Feet and Long Lives: The Zhabs brtan Literature of Tibetan Buddhism
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Sādhana (sGrub thabs): Means of Achievement for Deity Yoga
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Metaphors of Liberation: Tibetan Treatises on Grounds and Paths
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Mental Purification (Blo sbyong): A Native Tibetan Genre of Religious Literature
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