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The Life of Candragomin in Tibetan Historical Tradition
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Views of Medieval Bhutan: The Diary and Drawings of Samuel Davis 1783 by Michael Aris [review]
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Journey Without Goal: The Tantric Wisdom of the Buddha by Chogyam Trungpa [review]
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Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand by Osel Tendzin [review]
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Songs of the Sixth Dalai Lama
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T'ang Dynasty Influences on the Early Spread of Buddhism in Tibet
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Madhyama-ṣaṭka by Maitrigupta
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The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence by Paul Williams; Śūraṃgamasamādhisūtra: The Concentraion of Heroic Progress, An Early Mahayana Scripture translated and annotated by Étienne Lamotte, English translation by Sar
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Secret of the Vajra World: The Tantric Buddhism of Tibet by Reginald A. Ray [review]
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Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship by Alexander Berzin [review]
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