Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Search Results

Review of Jesper Trier, Ancient Paper of Nepal
A short review of Jesper Trier, Ancient Paper of Nepal.
Review of H. P. S. Ahluwalia, Higher than Everest: Memoirs of a Mountaineer
A short review of H. P. S. Ahluwalia, Higher than Everest: Memoirs of a Mountaineer.
Review of Capt. John F. Mitchell (compiler), The North-East Frontier of India (A Topographical Political and Military Report)
A short review of Capt. John F. Mitchell (compiler), The North-East Frontier of India (A Topographical Political and Military Report).
Review of Deitmar Frank Traumland Nepal
A short review of Deitmar Frank Traumland Nepal.
Review of H. Henberger and A. Höfer, Deutsche Forschung in Nepal
A short review of H. Henberger and A. Höfer, Deutsche Forschung in Nepal.
Review of Töid Orientalistika Alalt (Oriental Studies), Volume I and II, parts 1 and 2
A short review of Töid Orientalistika Alalt (Oriental Studies). Volume I and II, parts 1 and 2.
Review of Objets et Mondes
A short review of Objets et Mondes, Vol. XIV, No. 4. A special issue on the Himalaya.
Review of Hokke-Bunka Kenyu, or Journal of the Institute for the Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra, No. 1
A short review of Hokke-Bunka Kenyu, or Journal of the Institute for the Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra, No. 1.
Review of Heinrich Seeman, Nepal 2029, Gestern Noch Verbotenes Land
A short review of Heinrich Seeman, Nepal 2029, Gestern Noch Verbotenes Land.
Review of Graham Sandberg, The Exploration of Tibet
A short review of Graham Sandberg, The Exploration of Tibet.
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