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Tantra in Practice, edited by David Gordon White [review]
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Ensuring Firmness: The Use of Molten Metals in Tibet and Iran
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Taranatha the Historian
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The Account of the Prince Ramagopala rGyal bu dga' byed sa skyong gi rtogs brjod
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Internal and External Geography in Spiritual Biography
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Hermit of Go Cliffs: Timeless Instructions from a Tibetan Mystic, translated and introduced by Cyrus Stearns [review]
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Tibetan Art, Tracing the Development of Spiritual Ideals and Art in Tibet, 600-2000 A.D. by Amy Heller [review]
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Tāranātha's Life of Kāṇha/Kṛṣṇācārya – an Unusual Siddha Hagiography
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Buddhaguptanātha: A Late Indian siddha in Tibet
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Iranian Themes in Tibetan Tantric Culture: the Ḍākinī
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