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The Periodicals Krung go'i Bod ljongs and Shes bya in 1933: How the PRC and Dharamsala's Tibetan Press Depict Human Rights in Tibet
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Tibet: The Issue is Independence: Tibetans-in-Exile Address the Key Tibetan Issue the World Avoids ed. Edward Lazar [review]
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Tibetan Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Returnees and the Refugees Convention: Predicaments, Problems and Prospects
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Sky Burial -- An Eyewitness Account of China's Brutal Crackdown in Tibet by Blake Kerr [review]
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Culture and the Politics of Third World Nationalsim by Dawa Norbu [review]
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Reporting Religious Freedom on the Tibet Plateau: The Periodicals Krung go'i bod ljongs and She bya in 1994
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The Golden Yoke: The Legal Cosmology of Buddhist Tibet by Rebecca Redwood French [review]
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Biography by Installment: Tibetan Language Reportage on the Lives of Reincarnate Lamas
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