Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Under the Painted Eyes. A Story about Nepal by Ferd Mahler [review]
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The Buddhist Path to Enlightenment: Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy and Practice by Lama Doboom Tulku and In Praise of Tara: Sons to the Savioress by Martin Willson [review]
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Boundless Heart. The Cultivation of the Four Immeasurables by B. Alan Wallace [review]
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Der Buddha und das Rad der Lehre (Buddha and the Wheel of Doctrine) by Eva Saalfrank; Phurpa: magisches Dolhritual aus Tibet (Phurpa: A Magic Dagger-Ritual from Tibet) by Thomas Marcotty [review]
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Versification in Old Tibetan Poetry
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Compassion: The Key to Great Awakening: Thought Training and the Boddhisattva Practices by Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen [review]
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Religion and Biography in China and Tibet, edited by Benjamin Penny [review]
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