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Some Sociocultural Consequences of Transportation Development in the Jiri Valley, Nepal
The article explores the history and impact of transportation infrastructure on the Jiri Valley in Nepal. The Jiri Valley was once isolated from other parts due to lack of transportation facilities. T...
Health and Health Care in Jiri, Nepal
A look at the heath care situation of Jiri valley in Nepal with a focus on the hospital built there in 1957. The article starts with the inclusion of a case study of Naramaya from Kopche, a village of...
Jirels, Jiri, and Politics: An Overview
The article discusses the traditional Jirel political structure. The Jirels are the indigenous population occupying the Jiri valley in the Dolakha district of eastern Nepal. The article attempts to de...
A Brief Report of Some Jirel Vocabulary
The author argues that for understanding of Jirel cultural meanings, in-depth investigation of all aspects of their language is necessary. The article then surveys some Jirel vocabulary. Jirel is one ...
Preliminary Ethnosemantics of the Avifauna Vocabulary in Jirel
The article discusses ethnosemantics of vocabulary relating to birds in Jirel. The article starts with a brief discussion on ethnographic study and cognitive anthropology. It discusses the principles ...
Social Organization, Economy and Kinship among the Jirels of Eastern Nepal
The author argues that the ethnographic literature on the Jirels is extremely sparse and in this article intends to fill some of the gaps in the ethnographic literature by providing an outline of Jire...
Jirel Religion: A Preliminary Look at the Rites and Rituals of the Jirels of Eastern Nepal
The article describes the rites and rituals of the Jirels of eastern Nepal. The Jirels practice Lamaistic Buddhism but also visit Hindu shrines according to Bista (1980:71). The Jirels are distributed...
Phombos: A Look at Traditional Healers among the Jirels of Eastern Nepal
The article gives an account of the Phombos. Phombos are the traditional healers and shamans of the Jirels. The article is an extension of the article "Jirel Religion" from the same volume, which desc...
The Jirels of Eastern Nepal: An Introduction
This article conveys a message to the readers that this special issue of Contributions to Nepalese Studies is dedicated to the Jirels of eastern Nepal. Jirels live in the Jiri Valley in the Dol...
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