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Sudhana's Miraculous Journey in the Temple of Ta pho: The Inscriptional Text of the Tibetan Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra, edited with introductory remarks by Ernest Steinkellner [review]
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Who was this Evil Friend (the Dog, the Fool, the Tyrant) in Gedün Chöphel's Sad Song?
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The Monk and the Philosopher - Buddhism Today (Le moine et le philosophe - le bouddhisme aujourd'hui) by Jean-Francois Revel and Matthieu Ricard [review]
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Mandala and Landscape, edited by A.W. Macdonald [review article]
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Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre: Essays in honor of Geshe Lhundup Sopa, J. I. Cabezón and R. R. Jackson (eds.) [review article]
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The Melodious Drumsound All-Pervading: Sacred Biography of Rwa Lotsâwa: about early Lotsawa rnam thar and chos ’byung
This article compares accounts of the life of Ra Lotsāwa (rwa lo tsA ba, 1016-1198) given in several Tibetan hagiographies (rnam thar) and religious histories (chos ‘byung). The article ...
Ajanta. Handbuch der Malereien ('Handbook of the Paintings') by Dieter Schlingloff [review article]
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The Working of Sâdhana: Vajrabhairava
The article oulines a specific understanding of sâdhana as learning by doing. In sâdhana practice the devotee, "learns to relate to the world and to himself, both visualized in moving imagery." (Ma...
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