Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Buddhism and behaviour modification
There has been in recent years a growing interest in the similarities between Buddhism and the principles and practice of behaviour modification. Mikulas, for example, has pointed out many similaritie...
Psychology and Buddhism : from individual to global community
Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community is a collection of essays on the interface between Buddhism and psychology by a dozen professionals from clinical psychology, psychi...
Classical Buddhist model of a healthy mind
In this chapter from the book Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community, Buddhist scholar Richard P. Hayes looks at the Buddhist process toward transforming from a state of m...
Buddhist empowerment : Individual, organizational, and societal transformation
This chapter from the book Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community focuses on empowerment, a concept which in psychology has come to refer the "process that enables people,...
The role of religion and spirituality in community building
This chapter of the book Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community proposes a synthesis between Buddhist values and "community psychology," a field of psychology that began i...
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