Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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The Buddhist Paintings and Iconography According to Tibetan Sources
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Book Review: Nirmal C. Sinha, Sangs-rgyas stong: An Introduction to Mahayana Iconography
A review by H. R. Bhattacharyya of Nirmal C. Sinha, Sangs-rgyas stong: An Introduction to Mahayana Iconography.
Book Review: Nirmal C. Sinha, Tales the Thankas Tell
A review by H. R. Bhattacharyya of Nirmal C. Sinha, Tales the Thankas Tell.
The Conflict Between the Buddhist and the Naiyāyika Philosophers: a Brief Survey
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Buddharupa: Observations on the Evolution of Buddha Image
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Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna: a Broad Outline
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Śākyamuni's Final Nirvāna
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