Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Review of András Höfer, Tamang Ritual Texts
A short review of András Höfer, Tamang Ritual Texts.
A Buddhist Guide to the Power Places of the Kathmandu Valley
A combination of Tibetan and Nepali texts used to explain the power places of the Kathmandu Valley. (Mark Turin 2004-06-14)
Tharus of Dang: The People and the Social Context
A general discussion of Tharu village organization, groups, and clans, followed by a case study. (Mark Turin 2004-06-14)
Law, Labor and the Economic Vulnerability of Women in Nyinba Society
A characterization of relationships between the sexes in terms of processes of reciprocal interaction in an analysis of Nyinba social structure. (Mark Turin 2004-06-14)
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