Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Review of three special issues of French journals of Nepal and South Asia
A review of three special issues of French journals of Nepal and South Asia: L'Ethnographie, 1978, II
Review of Kamal Prakash Malla, Classical Newari Literature: A Sketch
A review of Kamal Prakash Malla, Classical Newari Literature: A Sketch.
Tibetans in Karnataka
An overall picture of the Tibetan refugee settlements in Karnataka, India. (Mark Turin 2004-06-14)
Bhotia Highlanders of Nar and Phu
A study of the people of Nar and Phu along Nepal's remote northern border. (Mark Turin 2004-06-15)
The Land System of the Licchavis in Nepal
An attempt to understand and appreciate the workings of the land system prevalent under the Licchavi rulers of Nepal and the implications of this system for the for the period immediately preceding as...
A Comment on 'Two 12-year Festivals in the Thaak Khola'
A criticism of Mr. I.V. Somlai's report on the lha phewa and bu uama festivals of 1981 in Thaak khola. (Mark Turin 2004-06-14)
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