Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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A Phonological Justification of Newar Child Vocabulary
An examination of the linguistic features of Newar child language, spoken mostly in the Kathmandu valley. (Mark Turin 2004-06-14)
A God's Journey: The Paṛheli of the God Lāmā from Lekhpur (SĨJĀ)
This work offers an annotated translation of a #parheli of the god Lama from Lekhpur in Sija to fill the gap its oral recitation. (Mark Turin 2004-06-14)
The Bem-chag Village Record and the Early History of Mustang District
This article presents the first English translation of the bem-chag, the village record of Sum Garabdzong, focusing on the issue of boundaries between political entities. (Mark Turin 2004-06-14)
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