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A Brief History of the Kagyupa and Prayer for the Rapid Reincarnation of H. H. Rang Jung Rigpai Dorjee the 16th Karmapa
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'Jig rten dbang phyug mthing mdog cod paN 'chang ba bcu drug pa chen po'i phyi yi rnam thar rgya mtsho ltar tshad med pa las chu thigs tsam gyi sa bon
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Functions and Activities of SRITOBS
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Sikkim Research Insistitute of Tibetology Publications
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Six Yogas of Naropa
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The XVI Gyalwa Karmapa – His Divine Personality
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Life Story of His Holiness the XVI Gyalwa Karmapa
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The Kargyupa Sect
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Memories of Tshurphu
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The Godliness of Buddhism
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