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The Ceiling Paintings of the Alchi gsum brtsegs: Problems of Style
Description to be added.
The Wanla Bkra shis gsum brtsegs
Description to be added.
The Wanla Temple
Description to be added.
The Wheel of Life in the Twelfth Century Western Tibetan Cave Temple of Pedongpo
Description to be added.
The Reassessment of the Meaning of an Icon from Khara Khoto in the Light of a Tibetan Text from Dunhuang
Description to be added.
Exploring the Hidden Buddhist Treasures of Kinnaur (Khu nu): A Study of the Lha khang chen mo, Ribba
A description of the architecture and art of the Lha khang chen mo in the town of Ribba in northern India. The temple houses sculptures, murals, inscriptions, and wood carving, all of which are...
Did Atiśa Visit Zha lu Monastery? Tracing Atiśa's Influence on Tibetan Iconography
This paper explores the history of Zhalu (zha lu) monastery in Tsang (gtsang) province of Tibet, and its possible relationship with Atiśa. Both textual evidence and clues from the monastery’s art a...
A Gnyos Lineage Thangka
Description to be added.
Ribba, the Story of an Early Buddhist Temple in Kinnaur
This paper presents a study of a temple, known as the Lo tsA ba lha khang, in the peripheral border area of Kinnaur, in northern India. The temple may have been constructed as early as the 9th ...
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