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Kālingchok and Sailung: A 'Female' and a 'Male' Mountain in Tamang Tradition
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Raja Gephan -- The Mountain Protector of Lahul
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Dpa' ris sa khul gyi bod rigs tsho ba zhig la rtog zhib byas pa'i nnyan zhu ste gzhi bdag dang mos/
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Typology of Stone Cairn Obos (Preliminary Report, Based on Mongolian Fieldwork Material Collected in 1991-1995)
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Marriage to the Mountain
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Territoire et frontières politiques, royaume et divinités montagnardes: l'usage de stéréotypes dans la construction d'une identité nationale (Sikkim)
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The Classification of Territorial Divinities in Pagan and Buddhist Rituals of South Mustang
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bKra shis 'od 'bar: On the History of the Religious Protector of the Bo dong pa
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The Horseman in Red: On Sacred Mountains of La stod lho (Southern Tibet)
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'Maîtres des trésors' (gter bdag): divinités locales et médiums au Bhoutan
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