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Linguistics and Development In Nepal
The article starts with the importance of human language skill, a powerful communication medium. After a general discussion of the field of linguistic study, the article focuses on linguistic work in ...
Review of Robert L. Fleming, Jr., The General Ecology, Flora, and Fauna of Midland Nepal
This is a review by Rishikesh Shah of Robert L. Fleming, Jr., The General Ecology, Flora, and Fauna of Midland Nepal.
Review of Kamal P. Malla Language in Nepal in Perspective
This is a review by B. M. Dahal and Subhadra Subba of Kamal P. Malla Language in Nepal in Perspective.
Review of Prayag Raj Sharma Preliminary Study of the Art and Architecture of the Karnali Basin, West Nepal
This is a review by Rishikesh Shah of Prayag Raj Sharma Preliminary Study of the Art and Architecture of the Karnali Basin, West Nepal.
Paśupatikā Duī Tāmrapatra: Devadāsī Prathāmā Nayāng Prakāśa
The article discusses the people who devote their lives to cleaning temples and other work related with temples. It is a kind of slavery practiced in Nepal, India etc. They are known as Devdas or Devd...
A Leaf from the Bendall 'Vaṃśāvalī'
one half being 'Yem' (the northern Kingdom) and the other being 'Yela' (the southern kingdom). One is expressed as Vijayarajya and other as Ardharajya. (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2006-10-31)
The Rodighar and It’s Role in Gurung Society
The article attempts to frame a picture of the "rodhighar", an institution found among the Gurungs of Nepal. Rodhighar is a nightly social gathering place, a semi-permanent dormitory where young girls...
The Organizing Principles of Brahmin-Chetri Kinship
This research article's main focus is the Brahmin-Chetri kinship system. The research is based on a field survey carried out in the town of Pokhara in west central Nepal. It discusses general principl...
The Role of Fear In the Unification Of Nepal
The article attempts to analyze the factors involved in the unification of Nepal. The author writes that he cannot agree to the proposition that fear of the British prompted the Nepalis to seek a tigh...
Yaṅgala, Yambu
The article explores the places Yangal and Yambu. With the help of historical evidence, the author argues that Yangal and Yambu were the terms used in the Licchavi period. It is thought that Yangal is...
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