Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Resource Management in the Arid Himalaya: Problems and Prospective Solutions
The article discusses problems and prospective solutions with regard to resource management in the arid Himalaya. The article is based upon data collected in Jomsom between March and July, 1982, using...
Review of David P. Jackson, The Mollas of Mustang: Historical, Religious and Oratorical Traditions of the Nepalese-Tibetan Borderland
This is a review by Prayag Raj Sharma of David P. Jackson, The Mollas of Mustang: Historical, Religious and Oratorical Traditions of the Nepalese-Tibetan Borderland.
Review of Kamal P. Malla, The Newari Language: A Working Outline
This is a review by Tej R. Kansakar of Kamal P. Malla, The Newari Language: A Working Outline.
Contributions to Nepalese Studies: Cummulative Index 1973-1985 by Theme and Author
This is a cumulative index by theme and author of the journal Contributions to Nepalese Studies from 1973-1985. Contributions to Nepalese Studies is a bilingual (English and Nepali) jou...
Herding and Socio-economic Change among Langtang Tibetans
The article is concerned with Tibetan herdsmen of Langtang, an east-west running Himalayan valley which lies in north central Nepal. It discusses herding and socio-economic change among Langtang Tibet...
Fertility and Its Proximate Determinants in a Tamang Village of North Central Nepal
The article discusses fertility and its determinants in a Tamang village of north central Nepal. The study is based on the data collected of 150 Tamang women in the village of Timling. The article ana...
Archaeological Remains of Lumbini: The Birth-place of Lord Buddha
The article discusses the archaeological remains of Lumbini, Nepal. Lumbini, the birth-place of the Buddha, has the distinction of being the foremost site of religious pilgrimage for Buddhists of the ...
An Annotated Bibliography on the Thakalis
The article traces the study of the Thakalis and provides an annotated bibliography of studies on the Thakalis. The authors argues that in relation to their number, the Thakalis may be the most studie...
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