Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Role of the Extra-parliamentary Political Party in Multi-party Democracy: Study of CPN-Unity Centre
The article is a study of the CPN-Unity Center party and discusses the role of the extra-parliamentary political party in multi-party democracy in Nepal. The article traces the formation of Communist ...
A Critique of Levi's Theory of the Urban Mesocosm
The article is a review by Stephen L. Mikesell of Robert I. Levy's Mesocosm, Hinduism, and the Organization of a Traditional Newar City in Nepal. It is a critique of Levi's theory of the urban ...
Review of Govinda Prasad Regmi, Industrial Growth in Nepal
This is a review by Bishwambar Pyakuryal of Govinda Prasad Regmi, Industrial Growth in Nepal.
Thinking through Nepal's Bhutan Problem
The article discusses the problem of Bhutanese refugees in Nepal. The article is presented from the perspective of Nepal's Bhutan problem and researches steps to be taken by Nepal in regard with this...
Bilateralism under Shadow: The Problems of Refugees in Nepal-Bhutan Relations
The article discusses the problem of refugees in Nepal-Bhutan relations. Nepal and Bhutan formally established diplomatic relations in 1983. The article discusses the policy taken by the Bhutanese gov...
The Tibeto-Burman Languages of Nepal: A General Survey
A general survey of the Tibeto-Burman languages of Nepal. "Tibeto-Burman" is generally accepted as a designation for a group of genetically related languages within the Sino-Tibetan family. The author...
Polyandry, Adaptability, and Environment: A Case Study of Tangin, a Himalayan Village in Nepal
The article attempts to provide a picture of Himalayan polyandry on the basis of empirical information gathered during the course of a short field study. The study was conducted in Tangin, a village i...
Ethnobotanical Note on Folk-lore Remedies of Baglung District, Nepal
The article is an ethno botanical note on folk-lore remedies of Baglung district, Nepal. Traditional phytotherapy with herbal drugs plays an important role in the healthcare of the people in rural are...
A Translation of Laksmiprasada Devakota's 'The Fifteenth of the Month of Āṣāḍha'
The article includes a translation of Laxmiprasad Devkota's "Ashadhko pandhra". The essay "Ashadko pandhra" (The Fifteenth of [the Month of] Ashad) belongs to the poet Laxmiprasad's early writing. It...
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