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Tibet and the British Raj by Alex McKay [review]
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A Dictionary of Buddhist and Hindu Iconography -- Ilustrated -- Objects, Devices, Concepts, Rites and Related Terms by Frederick W. Bunce [review]
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Buddhist Symbols in Tibetan Culture by Dagyab Rinpoche [review]
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Dolma Ling: A Pilgrim's Progress Across the Himalayas by Lucas Myers [review]
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The Golden Yoke: The Legal Cosmology of Buddhist Tibet by Rebecca Redwood French [review]
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The Life of Gampopa: The Incomparable Dharma Lord of Tibet by Jampa MacKenzie Stewart [review]
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Economics of a Tibetan State Treasury: The Barley Supply Office
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Can Emptiness Be Formulated? A Debate from a Gelugpa Monastic University
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A Note on the Viśeṣastava (Khyad par 'phags bstod); 'Superior Verses in Praise [of Buddha Śākyamuni]'
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Ma gcig lab sgron ma -- The Life of a Tibetan Woman Mystic Between Adaptation and Rebellion
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