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A Chronological Problem in the mNa' ris rgyal rabs
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Anything for Tibet: My Beloved Country by Thupten N. Chakrishar [review]
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Dictionary of Tibetan Materia Medica composed by Dr. Passang Yonten Arya and translated and edited by Dr. Yonten Gyatso [review]
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Tibetan Medicine: 'East Meets West -- West Meets East', Jürgen C. Aschoff and Ina Rösing (eds.) [review]
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A Short Consideration Regarding Christian Elements in a Ninth Century Buddhist Wall-Painting from Bezeklik
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A Note on Buddha Images of Ceylon and Nepal
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Remembering Prof. Mahesh Tiwary (1929-1999), the Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Academy Award Laureate
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Tibet -- Culture and Art': Museum of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland
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A Deceitfully Erected Stone Pillar and the Beginnings of Modern Tibetan Literature
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Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective by H. H. the Dalai Lama, translated by Geshe Thupten Jinpa; Vast as the Heavens, Deep as the Sea: Verses in Praise of Bodhicitta by Khunu Rinpoche, translated by Thubten Thardo
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