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Engaged Buddhist Reader, Arnold Kotler (ed.) [review]
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The Voice that Remembers: A Tibetan Woman's Inspiring Story of Survival, Ama Adhe, told in English by Joy Blakeslee [review]
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Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region (Vol. 1): Dzongkha, George van Driem with the accompanying CDs narrated by Karma Tshering [review]
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Social Evils: Prostitution and Pornography in Lhasa and A Sea of Bitterness: Patriotic Education in Qinghai Monasteries, TIN Briefing Papers No. 31 and 32, Tibet Information Network [review]
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Tibetan Nomads: Environment, Pastoral Economy, and Material Culture, Schuyler Jones with a contribution by Schuyler Camman [review]
Description to be added.
Development, Society, and Environment in Tibet, Graham Clarke (ed.) [review]
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A Catalogue of the First Volume of the Waddell Manuscript rNying ma rgyud 'bum
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Tibetan Natal Horoscopes
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Sino-Tibetan Relations and Tributary Ideology
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Art of Tibet by Robert E. Fisher [review article]
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