Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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The World of the Dalai Lama: An Inside Look at His Life, His People, and His Vision by Gill Farrer-Halls [review]
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The Spirit of Tibet: Portrait of a Culture in Exile by Alison Wright [review]
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Yogic Deeds of Bodhisattvas: Gyel-tsap on Āryadeva's Four Hundred, commentary by Geshe Sonam Rinchen, translated and edited by Ruth Sonam [review]
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Tibetan Art, Tracing the Development of Spiritual Ideals and Art in Tibet, 600-2000 A.D. by Amy Heller [review]
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The Tibetan Yoga of Dreams and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoché [review]
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Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda by Robert Svoboda and Arnie Lade; Aryurveda: Secrets of Healing by Maya Tiwari [reviews]
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Consciousness at the Crossroads: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Brain Science and Buddhism, edited by Zara Houshmand, Robert B. Livingston and B. Alan Wallace [review]
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The Dating of the Historical Buddha / Die Datierung des historischen Buddha, Part 3, edited by Heinz Bechert [review]
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Der Buddha und das Rad der Lehre (Buddha and the Wheel of Doctrine) by Eva Saalfrank; Phurpa: magisches Dolhritual aus Tibet (Phurpa: A Magic Dagger-Ritual from Tibet) by Thomas Marcotty [review]
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The Sling and the Inflated Skin Boat in Tibet
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