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Gods and the Masks of the Kāṭhmāṇḍu Valley by Anne Vergati [review]
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Nagarjuna's Precious Garland -- Buddhist Advice for Living and Liberation, analyzed, translated, and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins; Transforming the Heart -- A Commentary on the Bodhisattva Togme Sangpo's the Thirty-seven Practices of Boddhisattvas<
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Buddhist Peacework: Creating Cultures of Peace, edited by David W. Chappell [review]
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The Mongolian Manuscripts on Birch Bark from Xarbuxyn Balgas in the Collection of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Part 1 by Elisabetta Choido [review]
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Tibet: Another World: A Look at the French Press' Vision of Tibet in 1950
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The 'Vajra Temple' of gTer ston Zhig po gling pa and the Politics of Flood Control in 16th Century IHa sa
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Tibetan Army Badges
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Khyung tshang brag: The 'Black Demon Peering' at IHa sa
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