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Healing from the Source: The Science and Lore of Tibetan Medicine by Dr. Yeshi Dhonden, translated by B. Alan Wallace [review]
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Becoming a Child of the Buddhas: A Simple Clarification of the Root Verses of Seven Point Mind Training by Gomo Tulku [review]
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The Mandala: Sacred Circle in Tibetan Buddhism by Martin Brauen, translated by Martin Willson; Opening the Lotus: A Woman's Guide to Buddhism by Sandy Boucher [reviews]
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A Note on the Dictionaries Compiled by Italian Missionaries in Tibet
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Himālaya: A Note on 'Snowlion'
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Memoirs of a Tibetan Lama by Lobsang Gyatso, translated and edited by Gareth Sparham [review]
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The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence by Paul Williams; Śūraṃgamasamādhisūtra: The Concentraion of Heroic Progress, An Early Mahayana Scripture translated and annotated by Étienne Lamotte, English translation by Sar
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Tibetan Monastic Token Currency
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Refugees from Tibet: Structural Causes of Successful Settlements
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Preservance of Tibetan Medical System as an Integral Part of Tibetan Culture in the Prevailing Himalayan Environment
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