Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Documents de Touen-houang relatifs à l’histoire de Tibet
Contains a Tibetan-French vocabulary of aberrant forms. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
tibétaine de Gesar dans sa version lamaïque de Ling
Contains Tibetan-French vocabularies of proper names, general vocabulary, epithets, and descriptive words. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Matériaux pour l’étude de l’hippologie et de l’hippiatrie tibétaines (à partir des manuscrits de Touen-houang)
Contains an index to terms and rare words which refers the reader back to the texts. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Titres et colophons d’ouvrages non canoniques tibétains
Contains a Tibetan-French index with many technical terms. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Matériaux pour l’étude de l’hippologie et de l’hippiatrie tibétaines (à partir des manuscrits de Touen-houang)
Contains French-Tibetan and Tibetan-French lists of terms pertaining to equine anatomy. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Le parler de l’Amdo; étude d’un dialecte archaïque du Tibet
Contains an Amdo-French vocabulary. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Recherches sur les dialectes tibétains du Si-k’ang (Province de Khams)
Contains a Kham-French-Lhasa dialect vocabulary. Also contains a Tibetan-French-Kham (5 dialects) word list. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
Dictionnaire Mongol-Russe-Fançais
A Mongol-Tibetan-Russian-French dictionary. Although this work was not intended to function as a quadrilingual dictionary, it has a large amount of Mongol-Tibetan vocabulary. (Michael Walter and Manfr...
Dictionnaire Mongol-Russe-Fançais
A Mongol-Tibetan-Russian-French dictionary. Although this work was not intended to function as a quadrilingual dictionary, it has a large amount of Mongol-Tibetan vocabulary. (Michael Walter and Manfr...
Dictionnaire Mongol-Russe-Fançais
A Mongol-Tibetan-Russian-French dictionary. Although this work was not intended to function as a quadrilingual dictionary, it has a large amount of Mongol-Tibetan vocabulary. (Michael Walter and Manfr...
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