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The Byang-gter and Other Phur-pa Traditions: Reflections on Martin J. Boord's The Cult of the Deity Vajrakila, According to the Northern Treasures Tradition of Tibet (Byang-gter phur-ba) [review]
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The Three Levels of Spiritual Perception by Deshung Rinpoche, tr. Jared Rhoton [review]
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Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism by John Powers [review]
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Enlightened Beings: Life Stories from the Ganden Oral Tradition by Janice D. Willis [review]
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Dharma -- Its Etymology
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A Preliminary Archaeological Survey of gNam mtsho and Dang ra g.yu mtsho
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A Note on Gnyal zhig 'Jam pa'i rdo rje' the Author of a Handwritten Sher phyin Commentary from about 1200
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A Tanjur Text on gTum-mo: Tohoku no. 2332-I
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Kanum, the Village of Alexander Csoma de Körös, a Narrative of Werner Hoffmeister
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Early Mahāyana Lay Ethics in Nāgārjuna
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