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Images of Enlightenment: Tibetan Art in Practice by Jonathan Landaw and Andy Weber [review]
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The Tibetan-School for Survival or Submission: An Investigation of Ethnicity and Education by Katrin Goldstein-Kyaga [review]
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Awakening the Mind: Basic Buddhist Meditations by Geshe Namgyal Wangchen [review]
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"Mythos Tibet" Symposium, Bonn, 10-12 May 1996 [review]
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Tibet: The Issue is Independence: Tibetans-in-Exile Address the Key Tibetan Issue the World Avoids ed. Edward Lazar [review]
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The Life of Shabkar: The Autobiography of a Tibetan Yogin tr. Matthieu Ricard and the Padmakara Translation Group [review]
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Yab Yum Iconography and the Role of Women in Tibetan Tantric Buddhism
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The Tanjur Text of Tilopa's Dohākośa
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Tibetan Literature on Dreams: Materials for a Bibliography
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Art of Tibetan Rock Paintings: Administration Commission of Cultural Relics of the Tibetan Autonomous Region [review]
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