Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Everlasting Rain of Nectar: Purification Practice in Tibetan Buddhism by Geshe Jampa Gyatso [review]
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Mind Only: A Philosophical and Doctrinal Analysis of Vijnanavada by Thomas E. Wood [review]
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The Full-Fledged Khyung-chen Bird: An Essay in Freedom as the Dynamics of Being by Klong chen rab 'byams pa Dri med 'od zer, ed./tr. Herbert Guenther [review]
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The Boy Lama by Vicki Mackenzie [review]
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Bon: Its Encounter with Buddhism in Tibet by B. L. Bansal [review]
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A Rejoinder to Luciano Petech's Review of Roberto Vitali, The Kingdoms of Gu.ge Pu.hrang
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The History of Tibet: New Resources and Perspectives [review]
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Wholeness Lost and Wholeness Regained: Forgotten Tales of Individuation from Ancient Tibet by Herbert V. Guenther [review]
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A Regional Chronicle of Gu ge pu hrang [review]
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Tibetan Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Returnees and the Refugees Convention: Predicaments, Problems and Prospects
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