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稻城县地名录 (Daocheng Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Daocheng (Tib. 'dab ba) county, in Ganzi prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book begins with a "Brief Account of Daocheng County," a narrative summary of the County's ...
得荣县地名录 (Derong Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Derong (Tib. sde rong) county, in Ganzi prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book begins with a "Brief Account of Derong County," a narrative summary of the County's his...
乡城县地名录 (Xiangcheng Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Xiangcheng (Tib. cha phreng) county, in Ganzi prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book begins with a "Brief Account of Xiangcheng County," a narrative summary of the Co...
巴塘县地名录 (Batang Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Batang (Tib. 'ba' thang) county, in Ganzi prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book begins with a "Brief Account of Batang County," a narrative summary of the County's h...
理塘县地名录 (Litang Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Litang (Tib. li thang) county, in Ganzi prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book begins with a "Brief Account of Litang County," a narrative summary of the County's his...
道孚县志 (Daofu Xian zhi)
This gazetteer (zhi) of Daofu (Tib. rta'u) county has chapters concerning history, government, natural environment, economy, industry, business, agriculture, herding, forestry, infrastructure, militar...
德格县志 (Dege Xian zhi)
This gazetteer (zhi) of Dege (Tib. sde dge) county has chapters concerning history, government, natural environment, economy, industry, business, agriculture, herding, forestry, infrastructure, milita...
ཁམས་ཕྱོགས་དཀར་མཛེས་ཁུལ་གྱི་དགོན་སྡེ་སོ་སོའི་ལོ་རྒྱུས་གསལ་བར་བཤད་པ་ནང་བསྟན་གསལ་བའི་མེ་ལོང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས། (khams phyogs dkar mdzes khul gyi dgon sde so so'i lo rgyus gsal bar bshad pa nang bstan gsal ba'i me long zhes bya ba bzhugs/)
A survey of more than 500 monasteries in Kandzé Prefecture (dkar mdzes) Prefecture, Kham. (Steven Weinberger, 2012-05-18)
ཁམས་ཕྱོགས་དཀར་མཛེས་ཁུལ་གྱི་དགོན་སྡེ་སོ་སོའི་ལོ་རྒྱུས་གསལ་བར་བཤད་པ་ནང་བསྟན་གསལ་བའི་མེ་ལོང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས། (khams phyogs dkar mdzes khul gyi dgon sde so so'i lo rgyus gsal bar bshad pa nang bstan gsal ba'i me long zhes bya ba bzhugs/)
A survey of more than 500 monasteries in Kandzé Prefecture (dkar mdzes) Prefecture, Kham. (Steven Weinberger, 2012-05-18)
色达县志 (Seda Xian zhi)
This gazetteer (zhi) of Seda (Tib. gser thar) County has chapters concerning history, government, natural environment, economy, industry, business, agriculture, herding, forestry, infrastructure, mili...
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