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Excerpt and Overview of a Work by Klong Chen Pa
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Further Studies on Pelliot 117 and the System of Ha Śang Mahāyāna: Containing a Revised, but Tentative Translation of P. 117
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The Buddhism of Tibet by H. H. the Dalai Lama. Translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins [review]
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Tantra in Tibet by H. H. the Dalai Lama and Tsong-ka-pa. Translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins [review]
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Jesus and His Missionaries in Tibet
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The Mitra System for Visualization and Incorporation of Deity
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Buddhist Concepts Old and New ed. by Buddhadasa P. Kirthisinghe [review]
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Death, Intermediate State, and Rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism by Lati Rinbochay and Jeffrey Hopkins [review]
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C.G. Jung: His Myth in our Time by Marie-Louise von Franz [review]
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The Ancient Tibetan Cosmology
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