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Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre
Description to be added.
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Issue 1
This is the first issue of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, edited by José Cabezón and released in October, 2005. (Than Garson 2005-09-22)
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
The Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (JIATS) is an online, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal. JIATS is an official publication of the International Association of Tibe...
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Buddhism & science : breaking new ground
This volume contains contributions from prominent Buddhists, scholars, physicists, neurologists, and others on topics where Buddhism and the sciences share common ground. The book is divided into thre...
The Lhasa Project
The Lhasa Project aims at documenting the contemporary neighborhoods of Lhasa, including their histories, using mapping, visual documentation, textual research and oral histories. The initiative consi...
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