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德格县志 (Dege Xian zhi)
This gazetteer (zhi) of Dege (Tib. sde dge) county has chapters concerning history, government, natural environment, economy, industry, business, agriculture, herding, forestry, infrastructure, milita...
ཀཾ་ཚང་ཡབ་སྲས་དང་དཔལ་སྤུངས་དགོན་པ། (kaM tshang yab sras dang dpal spungs dgon pa/)
Contains biographies of the masters of Kamtsang (kaM tshang) lineage, a biography of Situ Chokyi Jungné (si tu cho kyi 'byung gnas), and a history of Pelpung (dpal spungs) Monastery.
色达县志 (Seda Xian zhi)
This gazetteer (zhi) of Seda (Tib. gser thar) County has chapters concerning history, government, natural environment, economy, industry, business, agriculture, herding, forestry, infrastructure, mili...
道孚县志 (Daofu Xian zhi)
This gazetteer (zhi) of Daofu (Tib. rta'u) county has chapters concerning history, government, natural environment, economy, industry, business, agriculture, herding, forestry, infrastructure, militar...
Excavations at Dindun, a Pre-Buddhist Village Site in Far Western Tibet
Description to be added.
བོད་རྒྱ་གསོ་བ་རིག་པའི་ཚིག་མཛོད། (bod rgya gso ba rig pa’i tshig mdzod/)
A Tibetan-Chinese dictionary of medicine. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
藏和歷算學辭典 (Zang Han li suan xue ci dian)
A Tibetan-Chinese dictionary of chronology. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03)
བོད་རྒྱ་ཤན་སྦྱར་གྱི་གེ་སར་ཚིག་མཛོད། (bod rgya shan sbyar gyi ge sar tshig mdzod/)
A Tibetan-Chinese dictionary of the Epic of Gesar. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03) This dictionary has definitions in both Tibetan and Chinese...
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