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A Tibetan-Newari Lexicon Cum Phrase Book
A Tibetan-Newari dictionary. (Michael Walter and Manfred Taube 2006-05-15, revised by Bill McGrath 2008-01-03) A topically organized text, the Newari is given in Tibetan transliteration. The editors...
History of the Monastic University Se-ra-theg-chen-gling
Description to be added.
"Bagsi" Bagsi-s in Tibetan Historical, Biographical and Lexicographical Texts
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Tibetan Medicinal Plants
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Tibetan 'Precious Pills': The Rinchen Medicine: A Tantric Healing System with Great Benefits, Some Problems, Many Secrets
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[Tibetan Medicine--Encounter with a Traditional System of Healing]
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Kashin-Beck Disease: A Historical Overview
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Fourteenth Century Tibetan Cultural History IV: The Tshad ma'i byung tshul 'chad nyan gyi rgyan: A Tibetan History of Indian Buddhist Pramāṇavāda
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Fourteenth Century Tibetan Cultural History III: The Oeuvre of Bla ma dam pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan (1312-1375)
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Studies in the Life and Thought of Mkhas-grub-rje IV: Mkhas-grub-rje on Regionalisms and Dialects
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