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Buddhism, psychology, and addiction theory in psychotherapy
This chapter from the collected volume Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community looks at the interface between Buddhism and psychology with respect to self-control and addic...
Suffering from biobabble : searching for a science of subjectivity
In this chapter from the book Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community, the author discusses recent trends in society of attributing the causes of suffering and behavior to ...
Value and meaning in Gestalt psychology and Mahayana Buddhism
This chapter seeks to establish connections Western psychological and Indo-Tibetan Buddhist philosophy in the area of ethics and value. In the face of how values have varied widely and changed greatly...
Five manifestations of the Buddha in the West : a brief history
This chapter of Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community seeks to order and examine psychotherapeutic literature that has been influenced by the Buddhist tradition. The auth...
On the path of the Buddha : a psychologists' guide to the history of Buddhism
This first chapter of Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community provides a broad overview or guide to the essentials of the Buddhist tradition according to the various forms ...
Role of responsibility in daseinanalysis and Buddhism
Daseinsanalysis (also known as existential therapy) is a type of therapy used in clinical psychology and psychiatry developed by Swiss psychiatrist Medard Boss. Boss, a student of German philosopher M...
Classical Buddhist model of a healthy mind
In this chapter from the book Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community, Buddhist scholar Richard P. Hayes looks at the Buddhist process toward transforming from a state of m...
Environmental problems and Buddhist ethics : from the perspective of the consciousness-only doctrine
The Buddhist concept of Mind-Only or Consciousness-Only provides a dynamic model of mental functioning wherein everything that appears to the individual ultimately arises from the mind or, in Sanskrit...
Buddhist social principles
In this chapter of the book Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community, the author suggests that not only does Buddhist mindfulness meditation allow the individual to develop ...
Transcending self and other : Mahayana principles of integration
In this chapter from the book Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community, the authors discuss Mahāyāna Buddhist concepts and methods transcending a strong bifurc...
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