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Embodied Ancestors: Territory and the Body in Thangmi Funerary Rites
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L'expérience émotionnelle de l'espace: Une approche de 'l'espace thymique' des chamans tamang du Népal
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Mkhar phud: A non-Buddhist Festival of Eastern Bhutan
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The Lha 'bod: An Invocation Ritual in Sbe nag (Western Bhutan)
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Ethnonyms and Other-Nyms: Linguistic Anthropology among the Thangmi of Nepal
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Abducting the Divine Bride: Reflections on Territory and Identity among the Bonpo Community in Phoksumdo, Dolpo
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The Bod of Kabön (Jammu and Kashmir, India): How to Be a Buddhist in a Hindu Land?
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A Description of Spyi ti by J. Gergan
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Territorial Concepts of the Stūpa as Defined by Ritual Route Patterns within Rites of Passage or Annual Festivals: A Study of the Two Cilañco Stūpas in the Kāṭhmāṇḍu Valley
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La danse des 'Huit catégories de dieux et démons' au Bhoutan
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