Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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From 'Devil Dance' to 'World Healing': Some Representations, Perspectives and Innovations of Contemporary Tibetan Ritual Dances
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Green Tibetans: A Brief Social History
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Struggling in Shangri-la: A Tibetan Artist in Exile
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Is there a Process of Secularization among Tibetans in Exile?
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Mystical Visions in Manhattan: Deploying Culture in the Year of Tibet
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Shangri-La and Hyperreality: A Collision in Tibetan Refugee Expression
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Socioeconomic Adaption of Tibetan Refugees in South Asia over 35 Years in Exile
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Between Tibet and the West: On Traditionality, Modernity, and the Development of Monastic Institutions in the Tibetan Diaspora
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The Tibetan Diaspora and the Politics of Performance
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Introduction: Place, Space and Identity: The Cultural, Economic and Aesthetic Politics of Tibetan Diaspora
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