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The Jewel Ornament of Liberation: The Wish-Fulfilling Gem of the Noble Teachings by Gampopa, translated by Khenpo Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche [review]
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mKhas dbang dGe 'dun chos 'phel gyi gsar rnyed gsung rtsom by rDo rje rgyal [review article]
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The Currency of Tibet, A Sourcebook for the Study of Tibetan Coins, Paper Money and Other Forms of Currency by Wolfgang Bertsch [review]
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The Five Wisdom Energies by Irini Rockwell [review]
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Kailash, Map of the Holiest Mountain in the World by Katia Buffetrille and Robert Kostka [review]
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Western and Japanese visitors to Lhasa: 1900-1950
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Sonam Wangfel Laden La -- Tibet 1924 and 1930
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Satyagraha in Tibet: Toward a Gandhian Solution?
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From Simla to Rongbatsa: The British and the 'Modern' Boundaries of Tibet
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19th Century British Expansion on the Indo-Tibetan Frontier: A Forward Perspective
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