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Ob virulentas nonnularum herbarum exhalationes
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Acquiring Power: Becoming a Pawo (dpa ’bo)
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Bstan ’dzin Chos rgyal’s Bhutan Legal Code of 1729 in Comparison with Sde srid Sangs rgyas rgya mtsho’s Guidelines for Government Officials
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Lo gsar Celebration: the Significance of Food in the Noble and Religious Family of O rgyan chos gling (Central Bhutan)
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Kaḥ thog pa Bsod nams rgyal mtshan (1466-1540) and the Foundation of O rgyan rtse mo in Spa gro
Description to be added.
Patterns in the Ritual Dissemination of Padma Gling pa’s Treasures
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Changing the Contours of the Legal Landscape: the Jambi Act 2003
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Estate and Deities: a Ritual from Central Bhutan. The Bskang gso of O rgyan chos gling
Description to be added.
Rituals and Pilgrimage Devoted to Aum Jo mo Re ma ti by the ’Brog pas of Me rag of Eastern Bhutan
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A Preliminary Investigation of Bhutanese Castle Ruins and Caves Associated with Lha sras Gtsang ma
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