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Buddhism and Cognitive Science: Contributions to an Enlarged Discourse
Introduces a series of papers on Buddhism and cognitive science in a special section of Pacific World : The Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies. The author discusses the points of cont...
Studying “no mind” : the future of orthogonal approaches
This is a paper on cognitive science and Buddhism. I will comment on the consequences of living in a world increasingly framed by science, and ways in which the situation may change as both cognitive ...
Cognitve Theories of Ritual and Buddhist Practice: An Examination of Ilkka Pyysiäinen’s Theory
Description to be added.
External, internal, and nondual space
This paper, by B. Alan Wallace, is based on a lecture he gave at the 26th Mystics and Science Conference at King Alfred's College, WInchester, England on April 13, 2003. The abstract of the paper is b...
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies, Third Series, Num. 4
This special issue of Pacific World includes essays presented during a conference on Buddhism and cognitive science hosted by the Institute of Buddhist Studies and the Center for Theology and t...
This resource has a 5 star rating
A science of consciousness : Buddhism (1), the modern west (0)
Founder of the Santa Barbara Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Consciousness Alan Wallace outlines some of the impediments in both the history of science, as well as in modern cognitive sci...
Meditation and the conscious self-regulation of learning a multi-disciplinary model for the scientific uses of meditatative self-correction
Psychiatrist and Buddhist scholar Joseph Loizzo discusses self-regulation and reconditioning the mind against the stress response through meditation. He particularly looks at issues pertaining to a mu...
Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (pdf)
Founder of the Santa Barbara Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Consciousness, Alan Wallace, answers questions on his background in religion and science, how science and religion can complem...
This resource has a 5 star rating
Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (html)
Founder of the Santa Barbara Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Consciousness, Alan Wallace, answers questions on his background in religion and science, how science and religion can complem...
Altruism in science can learn from Buddhism
Science & Theology News interviews B. Alan Wallace about the Buddhism and science. Topics in this short interview include the Buddhist view of the self, subtle states of consciousness, lucid dr...
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