Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Trance, functional psychosis, and culture
This paper discusses the hypothesis that the symptoms of functional psychoses can be caused by culturally structured spontaneous trances that may be reactions to environmental stress and psychological...
[Viewpoints of 7 religions on contraception, prenatal diagnosis, induced abortion and infant death]
Increasing numbers of people from other cultures have migrated to the Nordic countries. Most of them are young people who often differ from us in their traditions and their attitudes to contraception,...
Death with dignity : significance of religious beliefs and practices in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam
1. Nurses can help individuals more readily deal with death and dying by examining cultural variations in death reactions and rituals. This helps to humanize care. 2. Caring for a dying client is a co...
Integral naked
Integral Naked is a multimedia portal illuminating an integrated approach to life and living. Included are conversations, performances, live broadcasts of influential, provocative, and important think...
Integral Institute
The aim of the Integral Institute is the bring together of a full range of disciplines- the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, neurology, ecology), art, ethics, religion, psychology, polit...
The ethical, legal and religious aspects of preembryo research
Recent advances in the field of reproduction have made it possible to obtain preembryos and to use them in many research applications. These include research into improving methods of IVF treatment, c...
Hindu and Buddhist children, adolescents, and families
Children in Buddhist and Hindu cultures often hold different concepts of the self compared children in Western cultures. This article addresses the issues of these differences explores ways in which p...
Nepal / Himalaya-related films
This website contains a list of videos, films, and DVDs available in Uris Media Center or Kroch Asia Libraries at Cornell University. Each entry includes a summary of the film and thus is a valuable r...
A Buddhist psychology
This chapter is part of a volume which presents the personality and psychotherapeutic theories of all the major religions. Organized according to topics within modern psychology, the author looks at h...
The historical relationship between psychiatry and the major religions
This chapter of the volume Psychiatry and Religion: The Convergence of Mind and Spirit presents a cross-cultural examination on the contemporary relation between psychiatry and the religious t...
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