Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Tibetan and Himalayan Library
The Tibetan and Himalayan Library is a large-scale international collaboration between various universities and other organizations around the world devoted to Tibetan and Himalayan Studies. It archiv...
IATS Forum Mailing List
This is the mailing list of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, the premier academic association devoted to Tibetan studies: iats-forum@yahoogroups.com. (Steven Weinberger 2005-08-04)
Tibetan-Studies-L is one of the most important mailing-lists for exchange of scholarly and factual information dealing with Tibet at present, because its subscription includes many of the major schola...
Tibet information network
Tibet Information Network (TIN) is the only independent, comprehensive news and research service in the world specialising in Tibet. TIN monitors and reports on the political, social, economic, enviro...
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