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Si tu paṇ chen and His Painting Style: A Retrospective
Creator's Description: This article will show how Si tu paṇ chen became familar with many artistic schools and their aesthetics, how he gained the skills to appraise Tibetan painting and scul...
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Notes Apropos to the Oeuvre of Si tu paṇ chen chos kyi ’byung gnas (1699?-1774) (4): A Tibetan Sanskritist in Nepal
Creator's Description: This article deals with the activities of Si tu paṇ chen chos kyi ’byung gnas (1699?-1774) during his two sojourns in Nepal, in the years 1723-1724 and 1748. It is ba...
Arriving Ahead of Time: The Ma ’das sprul sku and Issues of Sprul sku Personhood
Creator's Description: A ma ’das sprul sku is a non-hereditary reincarnate lama (sprul sku) who assumes his or her predecessor’s status, but who takes birth before his or her ...
The Significant Leap from Writing to Print: Editorial Modification in the First Printed Edition of the Collected Works of Sgam po pa Bsod nams rin chen
Creator's Description: New textual technologies inspire and force interpretive communities to rethink the way a text is perceived and used. Today, the possibilities of computers and the interne...
Review of A Noble Noose of Methods, The Lotus Garland Synopsis: A Mahāyoga Tantra and Its Commentary, by Cathy Cantwell and Robert Mayer
Creator's Description: Giacomella Orofino provides an in-depth review of Cathy Cantwell and Robert Mayer, A Noble Noose of Methods, The Lotus Garland Synopsis: A Mahāyoga Tantra and Its Com...
In the Hidden Valley of the White Conch: The Inscription of a Bhutanese Pure Land
Creator's Description: This article examines a relatively recent (1974) inscription from a Ma ṇi gdung 'khor lha khang near U rgyan phug, Bhutan, and connects it to a much older site in Lho b...
Si tu paṇ chen chos kyi ’byung gnas in History: A Brief Note
Creator's Description: Si tu chos kyi ’byung gnas’s (1699/1700-1774) history of the Karma bka’ brgyud pa is a vital source for the history of his subsect and for Tibetan history from the ...
Si tu paṇ chen on Scholarship
Creator's Description: n this article I will examine Si tu paṇ chen’s views on scholarship, and in particular will explore his views on literature, linguistic thought, and language as expre...
Si tu paṇ chen’s Artistic Legacy in ’Jang
Creator's Description: The influence of the brilliant scholar and painter Si tu paṇ chen chos kyi ’byung gnas reached far beyond the kingdom of Sde dge (Dege, 德格), extending even into Y...
Si tu paṇ chen and the House of Sde dge: A Demanding but Beneficial Relationship
Creator's Description: Si tu paṇ chen (1700-1774) is widely known as a prominent scholar of the eighteenth century and as the editor of Sde dge’s xylographic edition of the Bka’ ’gyur. ...
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