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Mercury, Mad Dogs, and Smallpox: Medicine in the Si tu paṇ chen Tradition
Creator's Description: Si tu paṇ chen (1700-1774) was an active student, teacher, and practitioner of Tibetan medicine. This paper discusses a few features of the Si tu tradition of medicine,...
Purity in the Pudding and Seclusion in the Forest: Si tu paṇ chen, Monastic Ideals, and the Buddha’s Biographies
Creator's Description: In this paper I demonstrate that close readings of Tibetan adaptations of the Buddha’s life reveal a complex literary and artistic corpus. Such adaptations serve as sit...
The Prolific Preceptor: Si tu paṇ chen’s Career as Ordination Master in Khams and Its Effect on Sectarian Relations in Sde dge
Creator's Description: In addition to being an influential artist, author, translator, and doctor, Si tu was also a central figure in the history of monasticism in eighteenth-century Khams. Ove...
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Issue 7
This is the seventh issue of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, edited by Karl Debreczeny and released in July, 2013. This issue focuses on the influential eightee...
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