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Index to Articles in the K'ang-tsang Yen-chiu Yüeh-K'an (a Contribution to the Bibliography of Tibet)
An index of articles in the Chinese Tibetological magazine K'ang-tsang Yen-chiu Yüeh-K'an or "Hsik'ang-Tibet Research Monthly" published in China from 1946 to 1949. This periodical cover...
Buddhist liturgies, practices, and sutras
A collection of common Tibetan liturgies, including opening prayers and rites of evocation (sadhana). Many of the rites of evocation are illustrated with images of the respective deities.
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center provides an excellent reference resource for efficiently looking up titles for classical Tibetan literature, as well as for looking up Tibetan religious figures; it ha...
Asian Classics Input Project
Asian Classics Input Project is the largest Tibetan typed text input project in the world disseminated over the Web. With input based at Sera Monastery in southern India, the project has been focused ...
World View: Dedicated to the teaching, study and practice of authentic, accurate Tibetan Buddhism
The umbrella website for a small empire of dharma centers, Buddhist distance learning programs, text preservation projects, and publications. The profiles and descriptions of the teachers and activiti...
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