Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Some Preliminary Considerations Arising from a Biographical Study of the Early gter-ston
The article investigates potential causes for some of the discontinuities that are present in biographical accounts of Buddhist tertön (gter ston).
The Development of Currency in Tibet
This article looks at how most TIbetan transactions were handled by means of barter until contact between Tibet and China increased during the 13th century. Up until this point currency was only somt...
Casting Tibetan Bells
This article discusses the manufacturing methods for bells used as Tibetan religious paraphernalia. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-04-19)
The Construction of Ladakhi Houses in the Indus Valley
The paper outlines the building process of Ladakhi houses in the Indus Valley. Using stone, earth, and wood, the homes are often built on top of old foundations. The houses have to be built in a rat...
Souces of Variation in Tibetan Canons of Iconometry
The article looks at the canonized rules for organization and structure of Tibetan art. Following the fixed canons is thought to guarantee the continuity of tradition and the accuracy of iconic forms...
Change and Differentiation in Tibetan Sex Roles: The New Adult Generation in India
The article looks at cultural change in the Tibetan diaspora in India, focusing on sex-roles and traditional lifestyle ideas. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-04-15)
Preliminary Remarks on the Uddānas in the Vinaya of the Mūlasarvāstivādin
The article looks at the Uddānas in the Vinaya of the Mūlasarvāstivādin verses (MSV). In this text, the Uddānas are verses made up of keywords that serve as a sort of index for the following con...
The Mongol Census in Tibet
The article looks the Mongol censuses taken during their rule of China. Evidence of the 1268 census, as well as others, can be found in some traditional Tibetan religio-historical texts. (Mark Premo...
On the Reception and Early History of the dBu ma (Madyamaka) in Tibet
The article looks at the Middle Way (Tib. dbu ma, Skt. madhyamika) school of Buddhism, attempting to detail the reception and early history the movement. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-04-19)
The 5th Karma-pa and Some Aspects of the Relationship between Tibet and the Early Ming
The article looks at the complex relationships established between Tibet and China during the early Ming dynasty. The Chinese and the Tibetans were involved in governmental dialogue, as well as a goo...
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