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China and Tibet, 1708-1959: A Resume of Facts
This brief essay, intended for the general reader, surveys the historical evidence concerning the political relationship between China and Tibet. Despite the dates referenced in the title, Ahmad actua...
Toward an evolution of mind : implications for the faithful
This article provides a contemporary understanding of the human mind according to the viewpoint of sociobiology and evolutionary psychology. The author outlines the principles of natural selection as ...
spo bo'i lo rgyus
Powo (spo bo) is one of the three main regions in Southeastern Tibet, along with Kongpo (kong po) and Dakpo (dwags po). It was settled by the son of Drigum Tsenpo (dri gum btsan po; seventh century), ...
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Issue 1
This is the first issue of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, edited by José Cabezón and released in October, 2005. (Than Garson 2005-09-22)
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
The Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (JIATS) is an online, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal. JIATS is an official publication of the International Association of Tibe...
The Brag dkar pa Family and g.Yang thang rDzong: An Example of Internal Alliances in Sikkim
This article focuses on relations between Tibet and Sikkim during the later half of the 18th century. The second half of the 18th century was a time when Nepal was actively engaged in military efforts...
Constructing Sikkimese National Identity in the 1960s and 1970s
This article explores the conscious creation of a national identity within Sikkim before it became part of India in 1975. It reviews theories of national identity construction and how those apply to t...
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Issue 3
This is the third issue of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, edited by José Ignacio Cabezón and released in December, 2007. (Steven Weinberger 2007-10-31) ...
Power, Politics, and the Reinvention of Tradition: Tibet in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. PIATS 2003: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003. Volume 3.
Publisher's Description: This volume focuses upon the relationships between the past and the present evoked in Tibetan historiography, ritual literature, and Buddhist esoteric writings. It offe...
The Tibetans
Intended for students and general readers, The Tibetans provides an in-depth survey of Tibetan political and religious history, society, arts, and literature. (Christopher Bell 2006-09-07)
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