Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Bioethics in Thailand : the struggle for Buddhist solutions
The Thai concern for bioethics has been stimulated by the departure of Thai medicine from its long tradition through the introduction of Western medical models. Bioethics is now being taught to Thai m...
An East Asian perspective of mind-body
This paper addresses a need to re-examine the mind-body dualism established since Descartes. Descartes' dualism has been regarded by modern philosophers as an extremely insufficient solution to the pr...
Simple techniques to relieve anxiety
Many patients can obtain rapid, short-term relief of anxiety through the use of simple, meditative techniques. Anxiety, tension, mild depressive feelings, and psychophysiologic symptoms frequently res...
Death with dignity : significance of religious beliefs and practices in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam
1. Nurses can help individuals more readily deal with death and dying by examining cultural variations in death reactions and rituals. This helps to humanize care. 2. Caring for a dying client is a co...
Koreans honor dead lab animals (who knows -- they may return)
Laboratory researchers in Korea hold a ceremony to honor animals used in experiments over a ten month period. The practice of honoring the passed animals is part of the Buddhist culture and helps ease...
Three-Year Follow-Up and Clinical Implications of a Mindfulness Meditation-Based Stress Reduction Intervention in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
A three year follow-up of 22 individuals suffering from DSM defined anxiety disorder who participated in a time-limited, physician-referred mindfulness meditation program showed maintenance of the sig...
Full catastrophe living : using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness
Full Catastrophe Living provides an introduction to a body of mindfulness-based meditation practices aimed at cultivating a greater sense of awareness in the face of all of life's events. Parti...
Meditation and light order of the day for psoriasis
This controlled study looked at the effect of stress reduction interventions in the treatment of psoriasis, a chronic skin disease characterized by inflamed red areas and silvery scales. The stress re...
The evolving mind : Buddhism, biology, and consciousness
The Evolving Mind, written by practicing Buddhist and biologist Robin Cooper, looks at the question of the how life progressed over time through biological and eventually cultural evolution to ...
Health through balance
Health Through Balance presents a translation of a series of lectures by Dr. Yeshi Dhonden, an expert in Tibetan medicine who has long acted as the Dalai Lama's personal physician. In this book...
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