Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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A Tibetan perspective on ethics, spirituality, and healing
The author provides a general overview of the Tibetan medical tradition's approach to disease, specifically focusing on how negative mental states like attachment, anger, and delusion are fundamental ...
Foundations of clinical logagogy
The meaning of the term "logagogy" is elucidated, and logagogic practices are outlined in the history of medicine. It is shown how the traditional medicine of India, Ayurveda, shows signs of logagogic...
DNA lab welcomes Dalai Lama to Tibetan science community
This short news clip in the journal Nature reports on Dalai Lama's visit to the Whitehead Institute in 2003. His visit was, in part, a continuation of his numnerous interaction with Western sci...
How Buddhism influences pain control choices
The beliefs many Buddhists hold about pain and death may cause them to refuse pain medication for a terminal illness. Nurses can explain options that will not effect the patient's alertness for facing...
Keeping the magic alive in nursing care : advice from the Dalai Lama
A nurse educator draws upon the poetry of Virginia Henderson and the wisdom of the Dalai Lama to enrich nursing practices. (Zach Rowinski 2004-07-27)
Toward a biochemistry of mind?
In a special edition of the American Journal of Psychiatry, neuroscientists examine mental and emotional states that were previously consider the domain of psychology, religious studies, philos...
A Buddhist contribution to the psychoanalytic psychology of self
The author looks at Buddhist perspectives on the nature of the self and offers ways these relate to and complement psychoanalysis. (Zach Rowinski 2004-07-27)
Change in women's diet and body mass following intensive intervention for early-stage breast cancer
This clinical study attempted to determine the effectiveness of an intensive dietary intervention program on body mass in women with breast cancer. A group-based, dietician lead 15-session nutrition e...
Mindfulness-based stress reduction in relation to quality of life, mood, symptoms of stress and levels of cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and melatonin in breast and prostate cancer outpatients
This medical study looked at the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MSBR) on the mood, quality of life, levels of stress and cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEAS) and melatonin ...
Integral naked
Integral Naked is a multimedia portal illuminating an integrated approach to life and living. Included are conversations, performances, live broadcasts of influential, provocative, and important think...
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