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南坪县地名录 (Nanping Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Nanping (Tib. gzi tsha, or, nan phing) county, in Aba prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book has several sections of narrative introductions to different aspects of t...
红原县地名录 (Hongyuan Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Hongyuan (Tib. hong yon) county, in Aba prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book has several sections of narrative introductions to different aspects of the county foll...
若尔盖县地名录 (Ruo'ergai Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Ruo'ergai (Tib. mdzod dge) county, in Aba prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book has several sections of narrative introductions to different aspects of the county fo...
阿坝县地名录 (Aba Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Aba (Tib. rnga ba) county, in Aba prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book has several sections of narrative introductions to different aspects of the county followed b...
小金县地名录 (Xiaojin Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Xiaojin (Tib. btsan lha) county, in Aba prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book has several sections of narrative introductions to different aspects of the county foll...
甘南藏传佛教寺院概况, 下集 (Gannan Zangchuan Fojiao si yuan gai kuang, xia ji)
This issue of the journal Materials for Historical Research on Kanlho (Gannan wen shi zi liao) provides short histories for over 80 Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Pre...
丹巴县地名录 (Danba Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Danba (Tib. rong grag) county, in Ganzi prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book begins with a "Brief Account of Danba County," a narrative summary of the County's hist...
泸定县地名录 (Luding Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Luding (Tib. klu gting) county, in Ganzi prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book begins with a "Brief Account of Luding County," a narrative summary of the County's hi...
康定县地名录 (Kangding Xian di ming lu)
A place name directory for Kangding (Tib. dar rtse mdo) county, in Ganzi prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The first part of the book (pp. 1-85) present several introductory sections on Ganzi prefe...
甘肃省迭部县地名志 (Gansu Sheng Diebu Xian di ming zhi)
A gazeteer for Diebu (Tib. the bo) county in Gannan (Tib. kan lho) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu province. Contains maps of each township and short descriptions of various sites in the county.
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